Welcome to my Maze!
This is the gateway to Sally's website maze. I have - ahem - a lot of websites and blogs. This is a handy way to see them all in one place, and so to navigate to the one you wish to visit.
There's a slideshow below... scroll past it for the websites.
Sally has been writing for a long time, over multiple genres and for different audiences. For a more or less full listing of her books and series, head to
Alphabetical Book Titles
Alphabetical Series Titles
These pages are updated quite often. The books are listed alphabetically by title, with colour coding for type. Many of them have publication dates.
Selected book covers, updated now and then.
Alphabetical Book Titles
Alphabetical Series Titles
These pages are updated quite often. The books are listed alphabetically by title, with colour coding for type. Many of them have publication dates.
Selected book covers, updated now and then.
Sally writes at various levels. If you're interested in a particular area, you might find it by clicking one of the links below.
Younger Children
Sally's Picture Book Place Dreadful David to Ocean Lullaby and all of them in between. Pearl the Magical Unicorn The home page of Pearl the Magical Unicorn. Meet Dooley on the Farm. The home page of Dooley and his friends Darrel and Sally's Jack Russell: Dog Detective ...Pet Vet ... Pup Patrol Information on three popular series by Darrel and Sally Odgers; Jack Russell: Dog Detective, Pet Vet and Pup Patrol. The Fairies of Farholt The home page of a chapter book series in progress. Currently stalled because Sally has lost contact with her illustrator. Little Horrors... No page at present, but it will come... Smiley's Secret World No page at present, but it will come Adults Only
Larksinger... Lark Westerly's website (Adults Only) Profiles of Lark's fantasy romance stories including covers, character lists and a timeline of the Fairy in the Bed series. Being Tamzin Website New! The site of my brand new fantasy series Being Tamzin. Ships and mysteries, islands, dogs, lost love, friends behaving badly, caves and gateways... Please visit - but only if you're 18+. |
YA and Crossover
Cat Mahal is Magic The home page of Cat Mahal, her cat Tish Tash, Lucy the gazing ball, Bike Boy and Kind of dead Elizabeth. Garlands of Thorn and May The website for Sally's YA fantasy trilogy: Thornfair, Summerfest and Crossover. Elydian Dawn Series Sally's science fiction crossover series. Includes covers, titles, character, glossary and timeline. Service Sites
Affa the Editor's Affordable Manuscript Assessments Home of Affa the Editor, who offers manuscript assessment, editing, workshops, talks and author visits at an affordable price. Prints Charming Books Home of the tiny publishing collective Prints Charming Books, specialising in novel anthologies and themed collections, just for fun. Everyone pitches in and no one gets paid... except the printer. Promote Me Please and Promote Me Please After Dark A pair of promotions blogs, one for general creative endeavours and the other for M-plus books and music Habitats of Mind A guest blog open to anyone who wants to send a writing post about their work. The Love Weavers A multi-author blog for mature age readers Read and Reviewed An occasional book review blog. I review books I have read, but I don't accept review requests. Other authors and readers are welcome to send me their reviews to post. Facebook group: Book Review Offer and Swap This is a group of readers and writers who may offer their books for review. The provisos are: anyone offering a book must be willing to review someone else's book, and the reviews must be written and accepted without interference. Join the group to access the reviewers and books. |
Assorted Stuff
Behind Sally's Books A book a day blog including profiles of books, characters and places and a slideshow of covers. 2019 in Focus A poem+pic=a=day blog for 2019 The Alice Affair A new blog to celebrate all things Alice beginning with the account of the Alice Award for services to literature by an Australian woman writer Spinning Pearls An older blog of all sorts of things Sally's Pinterest Boards Another lovely labyrinth; this time pictures pertaining to Sally's books as well as other interesting things. |
Lady Lark Lark's g-rated shorts Sally Odgers Books Profiles of some of Sally's books plus a slideshow of covers. Also includes a content listing for the Behind Sally's Books blog. Photoverse Project Site Showcases Sally's scrap verse and photo books which she began producing once a month in January 2019. Names Names in Sally's books... and in books by other people. Sally Odgers' older site and Sally Odgers at 50 Megs Two of Sally's older sites. One has books up until 2011 and the other has so many pages that Sally sometimes discovers ones she'd forgotten. Stuff Sally Likes... coming soon Are we related? Check here for a wonky family tree. |